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Ram Quarter selected again to appear in London Open House festival

News 13 August 2021

Greenland’s Ram Quarter has again been selected to feature in the London Open House exhibition – an annual festival celebrating the capital’s architecture and urban landscape.

Greenland has arranged for guided tours to be run by EPR Architects (which developed the design and vision for Ram Quarter) and Sambrook's (Ram Quarter's new on-site brewery).  The tours will take place on Sunday 12th September and will cover the history of the site, from its two centuries as the former home of Young’s brewery to the more recent redevelopment – creating hundreds of new homes and a vibrant heart for Wandsworth Town centre.

These tours will begin in the new square, and will proceed up the development’s main boulevard and then down the riverside terrace.  They will end back in the historic square where visitors will be among the very first to get to enter the newly-opened Heritage Centre to view the old brewery buildings, finishing with an opportunity to taste the beer brewed on site.

EPR design director Pascal Wensink will explain how a residential-led, mixed-use masterplan has transformed the brewery complex into a new urban quarter, creating a contemporary design which reflects Ram Quarter’s industrial past.  John Hatch, formerly of Young's and now with Sambrook's brewery at Ram Quarter, will explore Ram Quarter’s fascinating past as the site of Britain’s longest continuously-operating brewery.  He will explain how this beermaking tradition has been maintained throughout the site’s centuries of history to the present day.

Alongside Ram Quarter, this year’s Open House programme features iconic London landmarks such as the Prime Minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street, and St Bartholomew’s, the oldest hospital in London – founded almost a thousand years ago.

Tickets for the Ram Quarter tours became available only two days ago, and places are already filling fast.  Tours are free, and will run every 60 minutes between 11am and 3pm, but booking is essential < here >.

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