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New taproom ushers in next stage of Ram Quarter’s brewing story

Community 06 August 2021

The latest evolution of Ram Quarter’s unique brewing legacy reached a new, exciting stage recently as Sambrook’s taproom opened on site.  The launch marks the first time that visitors will be able to enjoy Sambrook’s finest beers at the development, which is the site of the UK’s longest continually operating brewery.  Ram Quarter’s anchor tenant will serve classic brews including Sambrook’s original Wandle Ale alongside fresh pizza provided by Crust Bros.

The safeguarding of almost 500 years of unbroken brewing at Ram Quarter has been one of the main aims of Greenland’s redevelopment of the former Young’s site.  Despite the challenges of COVID lockdowns, Greenland UK welcomed commercial brewing back to Ram Quarter in 2021 when Sambrook’s moved into its new headquarters.  Sambrook’s brewed its first pint at its new home in the spring, taking the baton from the Greenland-supported nanobrewery that had ensured continuous beermaking on site after the departure of Young’s and throughout construction.

The taproom is just one important part of the wider retail and leisure offer at Ram Quarter which continues to grow and develop, with the development maturing as an established landmark destination in southwest London.  The public response to this summer’s programme of events and openings has already been very positive.  Most recently the site hosted a celebration of tennis with an outdoor screen showing the Wimbledon Finals matches.  Story Coffee offered strawberries and cream alongside themed cocktails and desserts provided by London Stock, and viewers could get a selection of takeout treats including ice cream, Pimm’s, draught beers and wines from riverfront bar Schooner.

The next major event in the Ram Quarter calendar will be the Beer by the River festival, which will take place on Saturday 4th September.  More than 1,300 people attended the inaugural festival in 2019, and this year looks set to be another terrific celebration of craft beer and the wider food and drink selection at Ram Quarter.  Then the following weekend Ram Quarter has again been selected to participate in London’s annual Open House festival, offering an opportunity to visitors to explore the restored brewery buildings and site history.

Taotao Song, CEO at Greenland UK, said: “Greenland’s vision has always been for Ram Quarter to be a place that the whole community can enjoy – a hub of vibrant, independent businesses at the centre of Wandsworth which celebrates and builds on Wandsworth’s reputation as the brewing borough.  The new taproom gives residents and visitors a chance to sample not just some of the finest pints in the country, but also to experience a genuine piece of brewing history at the home of British beer-making.”

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